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Black holes are famously said to have "no hair," meaning that they canbe described in General Relativity by only two parameters, effectivelymass and spin. Accurate masses can and have been measured for someblack holes, but the spin parameter has been a tougher nut to crack,because its effects are largely restricted to changes in thespace-time structure very near the event horizon. RXTE's largethroughput and fast timing ability have enabled new efforts to measureblack hole spins. Recently, two independent efforts have focused onthe micro-quasar GRS 1915+105, and have attempted to use spectralmodeling of emission from the inner accretion disk to measure itsspin. Jeff McClintock (MIT) and colleagues identify and fit dataintervals in which GRS 1915+105 shows spectral behavior characteristicof disk emission. Using fits with fully relativistic models, theyargue for a near maximal spin for GRS 1915+105. Matthew Middleton(University of Durham, UK) and collaborators use esentially the sametechnique, but have a different criteria for selecting the "diskdominated" states. Nevertheless, they also infer a rather high spinrate of 0.7. While each group argues that they've got it right,perhaps more interesting is that they both require a substantial spinrate for the black hole in GRS 1915+105.

Nanotechnology research is booming worldwide, and the general belief is that medical and biological applications will form the greatest sector of expansion over the next decade, driven by an attempt to bring radical solutions to areas of unmet medical need. What is true in the United States is also being fulfilled in Europe. This, though, is generally at a significantly lower investment level, even if for "large" capital infrastructure and interdisciplinary centers. Against this, the United Kingdom and its European partners are following the maxim "small is beautiful" and are attempting to identify and develop academic research and commercial businesses in areas that traditional nanotechnology developments involving engineering or physics find challenging. Thus in London-University College London (UCL) in a major joint project with Imperial College and linked to other UK and European centers of excellence-we are building upon our internationally competitive medical research (the two universities together form one of the largest centers of biomedical research outside the United States) to focus on and develop medical nanotechnology as a major sector of our research activity. A novel approach to commercialization has been the establishment with government and private equity funds of a "BioNanotechnology Centre" that will act as a portal for UK industry to access specialist skills to solve issues relating to developing nanotechnology-based medical applications, for example, for environmental screening, diagnostics, and therapy. This article reviews our academic and business strategy with examples from our current biomedical research portfolio.

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Isolates from patients with confirmed tuberculosis from London were collected over 2.5 years between 1995 and 1997. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed by the international standard technique as part of a multicenter epidemiological study. A total of 2,779 samples representing 2,500 individual patients from 56 laboratories were examined. Analysis of these samples revealed a laboratory cross-contamination rate of between 0.54%, when only presumed cases of cross-contamination were considered, and 0.93%, when presumed and possible cases were counted. Previous studies suggest an extremely wide range of laboratory cross-contamination rates of between 0.1 and 65%. These data indicate that laboratory cross-contamination has not been a common problem in routine practice in the London area, but in several incidents patients did receive full courses of therapy that were probably unnecessary. PMID:12409381 2ff7e9595c

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